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This is one of the scariest blogposts to make and I decided to make it my first - talk about crazy!

Hi there! It’s Zo.

And for my very first blogpost, I thought I would have you shook! No just kidding.

This post is going to be about HOW I CLEARED UP MY ACNE.

So to start from the beginning:

I always used to have “problem skin” but nothing to alarming - you know your average teenage pimple outbreak (sidenote: anyone else here hate the word pimple?)

I used to use regular (cheap, cuz that’s all I could afford) skincare, but what I mostly spent my money on was… MAKEUP to cover up my skin problems! Which is also how I managed to become somewhat obsessed with this whole world of beauty - so you can maybe say something good came out of it, after all. Good for me, not my wallet lol.

Anyways.. I did all the wrong things, I didn’t take proper care of my skin. I didn’t sleep right, didn’t eat right, didn’t drink enough water, didn’t exercise and so on!

Fast forward to my first job in the beauty world. A sales assistent in The Body Shop. People... This was the Dream back then for Young Zo. It was magical! For someone who loves beauty, this was heaven.

When I first started I got a starter kit of 10 products to help me get to know the products and the brand better. I was so happy, until… My skin exploded with breakouts!

I used to have "problem skin" - now I had full-blown ACNE, and the reason why was that I used too many products for my skin to handle. I went from one insecurity to an even worse insecurity. It was one of the worst times for me and let me tell you something about this idiot called Zo. I don’t do something once and learn my lesson. Oh no no no. I do it 5 flippin’ times, you know.. just to be sure that "Oh so this is the reason why this is happening, maybe I should stop..".  
So I kept on using skincare product on top of skincare product to try and get rid of my acne (and of course none of it worked, because I just piled on the products). I didn't let my skin adjust to the constant changes in my routine and I kept on adding harsher and harsher products to finally get rid of those pesky pimples.

Later on I found out that it wasn’t just a topical issue I had, my skin was producing way too much sebum (oil in the skin), which clogged up my pores. And it was the skincare that triggered it!

So after spending so much time, effort and MONEY on trying to get my skin back, I gave up. I decided to just live with it and pray that I wouldn’t get any permanent scarring. Instead of actually treating my problem properly, I covered it up to conceal it (which of course didn’t work because, the more makeup I piled on my face the more noticeable it got.. That horrible picture comparing the white chocolate ice cream with all the bumps, to the girls trying to cover up their acne. Yeah, that was me..

I had completely given up until the day I started talking to my co-worker in the Origins counter. She had perfect skin. The smoothest and clearest skin I had ever seen to be exact. One day I asked her how she managed to keep her skin so clear and beautiful. “How is your skin SO amazing, girl? What products do you use?”

And her answer had me shook.

She said: “I don’t use any products to keep it clear, I eat pills.”

"Pills? Pills?! What kind of magical pill is this and where can I get it?"

Turned out to be a medicinal pill, Actavis, with the active ingredient called “Isotretenoin” - something you can only get prescribed by your doctor. So that’s what I did. I went to my doctor and pleaded him to give the pills - and he did.

To this day I’m so grateful that I went to him and got the pills - because it literally changed my life. I got beautiful clear and smooth skin, clearer than it had ever been before. I got my confidence back - and some! Now I could go out NO makeup and not feel insecure of my skin and I can’t tell you how good it made me feel. And if you’re here reading this because you are in the same situation I was in, I can warmly recommend you talk to your doctor and see what your options are and if he/she agrees you can go on the cure – trust me it’s worth a try!

I can really recommend this treatment, the results blew my mind and it has been better than any Proactive treatment, tea tree oil, scrub, mask, home remedy witch potion, you name it (I’ve tried and tested it ALL). Isotretenoin was the shiznit! So, get up and talk to your doctor and see what your options are and if the doctor approves you going on this cure – take it!

Lastly, I wanted to mention that I’m thinking of making a YouTube video where I go into all the details of my journey on this cure, if any of you are interested to hear more let me know!


How I Cleared Up My Acne For Good

This is one of the scariest blogposts to make and I decided to make it my first - talk about crazy!

Hi there! It’s Zo.

And for my very first blogpost, I thought I would have you shook! No just kidding.

This post is going to be about HOW I CLEARED UP MY ACNE.

So to start from the beginning:

I always used to have “problem skin” but nothing to alarming - you know your average teenage pimple outbreak (sidenote: anyone else here hate the word pimple?)

I used to use regular (cheap, cuz that’s all I could afford) skincare, but what I mostly spent my money on was… MAKEUP to cover up my skin problems! Which is also how I managed to become somewhat obsessed with this whole world of beauty - so you can maybe say something good came out of it, after all. Good for me, not my wallet lol.

Anyways.. I did all the wrong things, I didn’t take proper care of my skin. I didn’t sleep right, didn’t eat right, didn’t drink enough water, didn’t exercise and so on!

Fast forward to my first job in the beauty world. A sales assistent in The Body Shop. People... This was the Dream back then for Young Zo. It was magical! For someone who loves beauty, this was heaven.

When I first started I got a starter kit of 10 products to help me get to know the products and the brand better. I was so happy, until… My skin exploded with breakouts!

I used to have "problem skin" - now I had full-blown ACNE, and the reason why was that I used too many products for my skin to handle. I went from one insecurity to an even worse insecurity. It was one of the worst times for me and let me tell you something about this idiot called Zo. I don’t do something once and learn my lesson. Oh no no no. I do it 5 flippin’ times, you know.. just to be sure that "Oh so this is the reason why this is happening, maybe I should stop..".  
So I kept on using skincare product on top of skincare product to try and get rid of my acne (and of course none of it worked, because I just piled on the products). I didn't let my skin adjust to the constant changes in my routine and I kept on adding harsher and harsher products to finally get rid of those pesky pimples.

Later on I found out that it wasn’t just a topical issue I had, my skin was producing way too much sebum (oil in the skin), which clogged up my pores. And it was the skincare that triggered it!

So after spending so much time, effort and MONEY on trying to get my skin back, I gave up. I decided to just live with it and pray that I wouldn’t get any permanent scarring. Instead of actually treating my problem properly, I covered it up to conceal it (which of course didn’t work because, the more makeup I piled on my face the more noticeable it got.. That horrible picture comparing the white chocolate ice cream with all the bumps, to the girls trying to cover up their acne. Yeah, that was me..

I had completely given up until the day I started talking to my co-worker in the Origins counter. She had perfect skin. The smoothest and clearest skin I had ever seen to be exact. One day I asked her how she managed to keep her skin so clear and beautiful. “How is your skin SO amazing, girl? What products do you use?”

And her answer had me shook.

She said: “I don’t use any products to keep it clear, I eat pills.”

"Pills? Pills?! What kind of magical pill is this and where can I get it?"

Turned out to be a medicinal pill, Actavis, with the active ingredient called “Isotretenoin” - something you can only get prescribed by your doctor. So that’s what I did. I went to my doctor and pleaded him to give the pills - and he did.

To this day I’m so grateful that I went to him and got the pills - because it literally changed my life. I got beautiful clear and smooth skin, clearer than it had ever been before. I got my confidence back - and some! Now I could go out NO makeup and not feel insecure of my skin and I can’t tell you how good it made me feel. And if you’re here reading this because you are in the same situation I was in, I can warmly recommend you talk to your doctor and see what your options are and if he/she agrees you can go on the cure – trust me it’s worth a try!

I can really recommend this treatment, the results blew my mind and it has been better than any Proactive treatment, tea tree oil, scrub, mask, home remedy witch potion, you name it (I’ve tried and tested it ALL). Isotretenoin was the shiznit! So, get up and talk to your doctor and see what your options are and if the doctor approves you going on this cure – take it!

Lastly, I wanted to mention that I’m thinking of making a YouTube video where I go into all the details of my journey on this cure, if any of you are interested to hear more let me know!




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